Vote for BRYAN in the WTOL Fan Challenge!

Hey Bryan fans!! The WTOL Fan Challenge is LIVE!!! Voting to determine the Top 16 schools will last until Friday, 9/6 @ Noon!
How It Works: Schools will need votes to advance through the competition. The more votes our school receives, the closer we get to victory and the more resources for our classrooms. You can only vote once in this round so be sure to get as many people to vote for Bryan. Once you vote, you can share the link with others so they may vote too.
Every school in the WTOL viewing area will compete in the first round. This round is critical as it will determine the Top 16 schools that move forward in the competition. Once the Top 16 are set, those schools will face off in a bracket-style tournament, with each matchup decided by your votes. The further our school advances, the more supplies our teachers will win.
You can vote here: or use the QR code.