Both boys and girls traveled to Columbus to bowl in the Gahanna Lincoln Lions Baker Bash. There were 23 girls teams and 22 boys teams. Format was 16 Baker games, top 8 teams make the cut in a bracket style baker play best of 3.
The Bryan girls team finished in 1st place after the original 16 baker games. We averaged 182 on the day. “This was in awesome day for our girls. I thought we bowled great today.” said Coach Dustin Gillett. The Lady Bears qualified as the 1 seed and went on to win matches 1 and 2 in a total of 2 games each. Bryan went on to play the 3 seed Butler Vandalia and ended up winning 3 games to win the tourney. The Bryan girls bowled the best game of 217 the last game. “I’m super proud of how this team performed today.” stated Gillett.
The boys were pretty consistent today on the majority of our scores through the 1st 16 games. We were tied for 7th and 8th, but thanks to our 211 game we got the tie breaker to take 7th. We had to play the number 2 seed Beavercreek and we lost in 2 games. “I thought we had good attitudes all day, we just missed too many spares today.” said Gillett. The Bears finished 7th out of the 22 teams competing.